Quote Me....

" Life is a journey not a destination"

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Gone... 2/30

She will go like thunder

Not into the night either

But into the light

Becoming brighter as her skin looses it’s luster

Her breath it’s gusto

The eyes it’s shine

On the walls will be cast

The reflections of her identity

Beams of her simplicity

You never really did take her word for it

What you saw is what you got


In silver wrappings

But you never dug… her

Assumption has always been the mother of failure

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bounce! ( NaPoWriMo 30 poems in 30 day challenge! )

One of these things just
Doesn't belong here
Tell me can you guess which one?
Remember the song
Bounce the words around my page
Educate me with syllable and noun
And I'll bounce them back
With my lips on the mic
The stage at my feet
Chords vibrating

- BlooWriter